Better, Kinder, Gentler Social Media is The Better, Kinder, Gentler Social Media Platform for Civil, Sensitive, Sensible Audiences. No Hate, No Bullying, No Racism. Learn More About Us.

Lift Notes (tm)

Faith is believing in that which is yet unseen.


A Brief Version of Our Promotional Video Explaining Our Mission. Interested investors should contact 

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October Haiku #23:

Snowing Red and Gold
But Warm and Comfortable
Gorgeous Red Maples

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Going all the way this year

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Overall power throughout the world will most definitely transfer from one generation to another in the near future.

Economic Power - Baby Boomers hold the dominant share of Economic Power (43.4%). But, this trend faces a tipping point. As the parents of Millennials, they’re set to trigger the biggest wealth transfer in modern times—handing over $68 trillion by 2030.

Political Power - Baby Boomers are currently the leaders of political power but Millennial and Gen Z’s combined voting power will skyrocket to 55% by 2036.


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Here are 5 bullet points on the dangers of Facebook: (written by Claude, an AI Chatbot supported by ethical altruism)

  • Privacy issues - Facebook has faced criticism over its handling of user data and privacy settings. There are concerns about how much personal information Facebook collects and shares.
  • Spread of misinformation - The open nature of Facebook makes it easy for false or misleading content to spread quickly on the platform. This can impact politics, health information, and more.
  • Cyberbullying and harassment - Facebook can be used as a platform to bully, harass or threaten others, especially among younger users. This can have serious mental health implications.
  • Social media addiction - Some research indicates that excessive social media usage, including Facebook, may lead to symptoms of addiction due to things like dopamine hits from notifications.
  • Negative effects on mental health - Studies link heavy social media use with increased rates of depression, anxiety, and loneliness. Facebook usage in particular has been associated with declining well-being.
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A Balanced Take on What's Right and Wrong with Social Media In 2022:

Social media has been praised for its ability to connect people from all over the world and give them a platform to share their thoughts and experiences. However, there is also a downside to social media. One of the main problems with social media is that it can create a false sense of connection. Just because you are following someone on Facebook or Instagram doesn't mean that you really know them. 

In addition, social media can be addictive, leading people to spend hours scrolling through their feed instead of interacting with the people around them.  Another issue with social media is that it can be a breeding ground for bullying and negativity. With people anonymous behind their screens, it's easy for them to say things that they would never say in person. Finally, social media can have a negative impact on mental health, causing feelings of envy, anxiety, and depression. While social media has its benefits, it's important to be aware of its potential drawbacks. solves these problems, providing a better, kinder, gentler social media experience with automatic, real-time moderation by artificial intelligence to stop things that shouldn't be posted.

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. We use it to stay in touch with friends and family, express ourselves, and stay up to date on the latest news and events. However, social media can also have a dark side. For example, Facebook has been widely criticized for its handling of user data, and Whatsapp has been blamed for spreading fake news. In addition, social media can be addictive, distracting us from the real world and leading to negative mental health effects. Finally, social media platforms like Tiktok have been accused of contributing to rising narcissism among young people. As we increasingly rely on social media, it is important to be aware of its potential downside.

Here at, new members can select a daily screen time limit.  Younger children can select up to 2 hours daily.  Older children can select up tp 3 hours daily. Adults can select up to 6 hours daily.  As your self selected daily screen time limit approaches, A friendly popup lets you know that it's time to stop.  When the limit is reached, the member is automatically logged out and cannot log in again until the next day. 

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Promoted is Better, Kinder, Gentler Social Media

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To subject everything to rational analysis reduces the awe to ashes.  If you "let things happen" instead of trying to control everything, you leave space for miracles.  ...Charles Brite

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No Hate Speech, No Racism, no Bulllying.  What else can we do to make your social media experience a better, kinder, gentler experience?

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"To be innovative, we can't look to what others have done. 

The whole idea of blazing a path is that there was no path there before."

...Simon Sinek

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Must We Accept Silly, Angry, Fake, Abusive, Addictive, and Privacy Violating Services to Use Social Media? 

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NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness.  They serve people living with mental illness and their families too.  It's a worthy cause that deserves support!

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One Social Media Platform Protects Your Personal Information and Prevents Racism, Bullying, and Hate Speech!

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Promoted is the very best platform for parents and children to be able to use social media without being exposed to bullying, without hate speech, without exposing children to adult content, and without the ability for unrelated adults to contact children.

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Shiloh Institute Launch Saturday February 12, 2022

 Celebrating the Alliance Between Black America, Jews, and Israel. 

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Promoted will be Truly Transparent, Truly Ethical, with One Account per Person Using Real Names.  This Kind of Accountability Will Make Us a Kinder, Gentler, Safer Social Media.  Designed for People of All Colors, All Ages, All Races, All Ethnicities or Countries of Origin, All Lifestyles, All Marital Status, and Any Disability with Artificial Intelligence Moderation to Filter Out Any Hate Speech, Before it Gets Posted, So it Never Gets Posted.

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Starks Property Improvements LLC, February Sale!

Free Installation of Windows or Doors on selected purchases. 

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A $1,000 Website Brought in $10,000 in Business in its First Month!

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"To be a pioneer is to stand on a shore and look out to a land no one can see, know there are dangers we cannot imagine... and set forth anyway".

Simon Sinek, @

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Creativity and leadership

They’re related.

Management isn’t. Management uses power and authority to get people to do tasks you know can be done. Management is needed, but management is insufficient.

Leadership is voluntary. It’s voluntary to lead and it’s voluntary to follow. If you’re insisting, then you’re managing…

And creativity is the magical human act of doing something that might not work. If you know it’s going to work–then it’s management.  

... Seth Godin 

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See my photography album here for some of my photos.  Some have been turned into digital art.  Like this one:

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Featured Articles
Keeping Children Safe Online
Social media is popular with children and teenagers. It's a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it can also be a dangerous place. Predators can use social media to contact and groom potential victims, and children can be exposed to inappropriate content. So, how can we keep our children safe on social media?At children age 6 - 17 must be enrolled by a parent.  No other adults can see a child's account, and children cannot see other adult accounts.  This way we eliminate the threat of predatory users. If a child posts something inappropriate the parent is notified so a conversation can take place to guide the child on appropriate language and content.
Remembering 9/11 Twenty Years Later
How did you observe the 20th anniversary of 9/11? Was this event overshadowed by results of US withdrawal from Afghanistan?  We held the Taliban off for 20 years, but really only stopped them for 1 week.  It was a sad day when terrorists flew planes into buildings, and a sad day when the Taliban took back over.  I will always remember the first responders who paid the ultimate price with their lives or their health!  
Social Media Giants Read Your Email and Sell Your Online Activity
When you “like” something on Facebook, your interests are sold to online advertisers so they know which ads to show you.  Gmail reads your emails to choose ads to show you.  Google Maps provides your location to nearby advertisers.Big Data companies scour your online behavior and sell this information. Did you search for information about a new prescription?  Advertisers now know about your medical conditions.  Did you research a mental health issue?  Advertisers now know about your family problems.  Did you search for the best price on disposable diapers?  Big Data now knows you have a new baby, and where you live.  This has to stop.  That is why Safe Social Online was created.  Your activi
On Leadership
"Real leaders are happy to zig while others zag. They understand that in an era of hyper-competition and non-stop disruption, the only way to stand out from the crowd is to stand for something special. They don't follow where the path may lead, they go instead where there is no path and leave a trail". "Bill Taylor, and Ralph Waldo Emerson."
Good Morning!
Wisdom benefits those who see the sun therefore, everyday is a good day when you can talk about it. No matter if you feel it is Good, or Bad. To be able to talk about it means it is a good day. Just think about those that have had problems and can't ever talk to you about them again! 
It's a beautiful day!
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood 😃 
Better, Kinder, Gentler Social Media
