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Other Social Media: From Fad and Doubt to Disaster.

Social Media as we know it today seemed unlikely in its early years.   

"In the early 2010s, the most common knock on social media apps like Facebook and Twitter was that they just wouldn’t work as businesses. Pundits predicted that users would eventually tire of their friends’ vacation photos, that advertisers would flee and that the whole social media industry would collapse. The theory wasn’t so much that social media was dangerous or bad; just that it was boring and corny, a hype-driven fad that would disappear as quickly as it had arrived.

What nobody was asking back then — at least not loudly — were questions like: What if social media is actually insanely successful? What kind of regulations would need to exist in a world where Facebook and Twitter were the dominant communication platforms? How should tech companies with billions of users weigh the trade-offs between free speech and safety? What product features could prevent online hate and misinformation from cascading into offline violence?

By the middle of the decade, when it was clear that these were urgent questions, it was too late. The platform mechanics and ad-based business models were already baked in, and skeptics — who might have steered these apps in a better direction, if they’d taken them more seriously from the start — were stuck trying to contain the damage."1  

1. Source:  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/03/18/technology/cryptocurrency-crypto-guide.html?action=click

Now that we are here, when it is now widely known that existing social media giants won't solve the problems that have grown more and more prevalent, such as bullying, hate speech, even radicalization and murder... we at SafeSocialOnline.com were inspired to build a safer social media that doesn't lead to 'fights between friends' or racial or ethnic or religious violence. We are not tied to nor dependent on advertiser dollars the way the other platforms are.  We don't report your browsing habits, nor shopping habits, nor sell personal information to advertisers.  We respect your privacy.   C'mon!  Join in to support better, kinder, gentler, safer, ethical social media!

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