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Is Social Media as We Know It.... Broken?

Stop!  Too Much!  I Don't Want All That!  

Is Social Media broken?  There are many in the public, many influencers, and many lawmakers who think it is.  What do you think?  Read on!

What's to Love About Existing Social Media?

Must We Accept Silly, Angry, Fake, Abusive, Addictive, and Privacy Violating Services to Use Social Media? The Answer is NO!

While I respect those who want to see conspiracy theories or cat videos... that's not me.  

Many want to watch or participate in online brawls between 'friends'... but that's just not me. Some don't mind reading profanity or hate language to get to what they want... but that is not me either.  

Further, some don't care if fake accounts can post fake news.  And some don't care if pedophiles can troll social media to abuse children. These are also not something I can tolerate.

I don't want to support, see, or participate in those things.  

I want to connect with real friends, not 600 'Facebook friends" or 1000+ LinkedIn connections.  I want to keep up with some groups and topics of interest.  I prefer to participate in civil and rational conversations.  I know a lot of people who feel the same way. 

But, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. all make more money when more people disagree - even without civility, or ESPECIALLY without civility. They depend on a viral storm of highly charged or controversial posts and comments to keep people checking frequently to see the most recent updates or progress of the discussion.  All these 'eyeballs' produce more pages served, more ads served, and money in the bank - at the expense of the end-user.  

Even worse, existing social media platforms actually employ brain science tactics to make their service more "addictive" by intentionally manipulating Dopamine levels and other neurotransmitters   It is widely reported that some users suffer 'cravings' and 'withdrawal symptoms' as well as 'anxiety', and 'agitation'.  Some even suffer personality changes or mood disorders if they cannot get online to get their 'fix'. That people who spend too much time on social media suffer negative impacts on real-world health and well-being is well documented in medical literature.   

"Not only are posts that draw heated exchanges like money in the bank for some social medial sites due to ad revenue, and not only are current social media platforms built to create addiction and revenue at the expense of user health, but they also sell users' personal browsing habits to advertiser partners and affiliates."

Many wonder if they "must" give up privacy in order to use social media.  

There is no way to opt completely out of these flaws with social media platforms that exist today.  And that is a problem that more and more people are giving voice to.  The market is demanding change but the providers cannot go where the market wants to go because of their immense cash flow needs.

I think it would be great if there were an online place to see what you want and not what you don't want?  Maybe that's just me?  What do you think?  Are  you tired of Social Media Giants making money off of your posts?

What do you think? Is social media as we know it... broken?    

Please post a reply to let us know your thoughts, whether or not you think social media as we know it is broken, and ways that you think it is broken.

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